Opera: Trompe-La-Mort
Director Guy Cassiers
Settings and costumes Tim Van Steenbergen
Video Frederik Jassogne
For this new opera, Luca Francesconi has seized upon one of the guiding figures of La Comédie Humaine: Vautrin alias Jacques Collin, alias the Abbot Carlos Herrera, alias… Trompe-la-Mort. A consummate opportunist, the implacable Trompe-la-Mort exploits each turn of events with masterful subterfuge in his plot to subvert the social and economic order.
Directed by Guy Cassiers, working for the first time with the Paris Opera, this portrait of a three-tiered society where some rise and others fall takes up Balzac’s question: “Is not the world a stage? The ’Troisième‑Dessous’ is the bottommost cellar beneath the stage of the Opera accommodating machinery, stagehands, the ramp, apparitions, blue devils spewing out of hell, etc.”
Hangaar created the video projections for this opera.
more info: http://www.operadeparis.fr/