
Bart Moens is a computer scientist with a passion for interactivity and audiovisual technologies.

Frederik Jassogne is active in the fields of video editing, animation and visual design for theater.

About Hangaar

Hangaar is a young start-up organisation, based in Belgium, with a strong interest in digital live performance tools in the area of video and sound. We make interactive installations/computer software/video’s with a strong visual-estethic feel, custom made on a project per project basis.

We provide technical-artistical support and guidance for artists and organizations in the realization of interactive audiovisual installations.  We also have equipment that we can use or rent for these purposes (6000 Lumen projectors, 0.8-4.8 lens set, computers, …).

Feel free to contact us with any questions in regard to what we can do.

Email us directly: info at hangaar “.” net or use the contact form below.

Telephone number: Frederik + 32 494 13 68 50 / Bart +32 495 41 49 17